An onslaught of ransomware attacks has compelled the US government to push for a cybersecurity hiring spree. Filling 600,000 vacant cybersecurity positions is now the top priority in the Biden administration’s efforts to intensify digital infrastructure protection in the public and private sectors.
Snags in talent acquisition have left federal and local government and big businesses vulnerable to ransomware attacks and hacking. Recently, US President Joe Biden assembled a team to work with the federal government in dealing with increasing cyber-attacks.
The Department of Homeland Security currently has 1,500 cybersecurity-related openings, which have impacted the agency’s ability to protect the country. The recent introduction of a federal recruiting tool follows the DHS’s continuous bid directed to finding young, diverse and natural talent. Key agencies across the federal government fall below basic cybersecurity standards, with eight rating a C- in the Senate audit report, adding to growing concerns on cybersecurity.
Local and federal government bodies have long struggled to win against private sector companies in bidding wars for prodigies. The challenge stems from the need for local agencies to hire amidst the lack of competitive salaries.